Sunday, November 07, 2004

He gets more ridiculous all the time.

Man, is he bold, covering the likes of Hoagy Carmichael and Cole Porter.

When did Rod 'jump the shark'?

" more time..."


the EvaDewer said...

I make it at "Footloose and Fancy Free". I have a lot of love for older Rod, up to "A Night On The Town".

But "Hot Legs" and "You're In My Heart"? It was over. "I Was Only Joking", indeed. If only he *had* been.

davidly said...

I particularly like "Have a Coke and a Smile". I put the period outside the quotes in honor to his "british-ness".

alslee said...

I love knowing people who know when and why the period goes outside the quotes. And give an old guy credit. He's still doing something.

davidly said...

Credit he don´t need. He gettin paid!!

KiKiDo said...

JoJo and I saw Rod Stewart in concert a couple of years ago. I haven't forgotten it, but it wasn't memorable. Know what I mean? But all you all givin' him crap, get off his back. If he wants to expand the use of his vocal talents, more power to him. Besides, he's just performing some classic songs, a gesture of respect and appreciation. He doesn't exactly butcher 'em either.